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Hi, I’m Dr. Greg Apsey, here in Warren, Michigan, phone number 586-573-7700, and I’m here to talk to you today about how a dentist takes care of his teeth. And I want to do that because I think that I do a pretty good job of it and I think if you do what I do you’re going to have healthy teeth like I do. And you’re going to have healthy gums like I do. Okay. First thing I do is I wash my hands, because you got to have clean hands when you going to go in your mouth. So you can do that first. And what I’ve got over here that I got several different things;, I’ve got dental floss, I’ve got toothpaste, I’ve got toothbrush, I’ve got a nice soft brush that is called the nimbus toothbrush. Its very soft, almost like a cloud on, on my gums. Feels very comfortable. My favorite thing. I also have a tongue scraper, so I’m going to start out with.
Tongue scraping should be your favorite. Okay, so what I do is I stick my tongue out then, I scrape it, and rinse it off. The reason I do that is that, on my tongue, and on everyone’s tongue we build up a lot of bacteria. You want to remove access bacteria from your mouth. You’re going to remove bacteria which produce solver gases, which cause bad breath. You’re also going to remove bacteria that can cause decay and gum disease. They reside in your tongue, as well. So you want to really work at it. Scrape it real well and thoroughly. I did kind of a real quick job there. Okay? The next thing I do is floss. I always floss before I brush, Okay? The reason is that I want to loosen the plaque up between my teeth. And, and so then, my toothpaste, as it goes in, is going to coat my clean enamel. My clean enamel in between my teeth with toothpaste. Okay. What I’ve done is I have wrapped the floss around my middle fingers. It leaves these fingers. To use any way I need to get the floss where I need it to go. So what I’m doing, is back and forth, working the floss between my teeth. Once it’s through, I curve it around this tooth, up and down, curve it around this tooth, up and down, the same way, all around.
Okay, I go all throughout my mouth. See, when I got my fingers. These fingers hold the floss. I’ve got these to put it wherever I need. I can get way in the back. Like that. Okay? That’s flossing. Brushing, it’s very important with tooth brushing, I use Sensodyne Pronamel, and it’s my favorite toothpaste. My teeth are a little bit sensitive, so I like it, and it helps to rebuild my enamel. Put a little toothpaste on the toothbrush and brush. I start here, I go round in little circles, starting way in the back, work my way forward. Take about 2 minutes. I’m not going to brush for 2 minutes but you should, all the way around.
Alright, so now I’m going to rinse this. I would usually brush for longer than that. Okay. Next thing I do, very important, if you’ve got receded gums, my gums are receded a little bit so my roots are exposed. My roots are not round. They have little indentations in them. The floss may not get into those indentations, but I want all that getting clean. So I use this little brush, this little proxy brush. And I go in between my teeth, and I turn it around in there, and I scrub it all out. Okay? I want to make sure I’m not leaving anything behind. Alright? I know this seems obsessive compulsive but you know what? I want clean teeth. I want to keep my teeth for my lifetime, okay?  I go throughout my mouth, and I do every place. And I make sure everything is clean. When I’m done, my teeth are smooth. My mouth is very fresh. And it’s, and it’s going to stay that way for a good long time. Okay. So that’s it.
If you want to see me at my Warren, MI office. The number is (586) 573-7700. We’d love to help you with your teeth. Help you to have a smile like a dentist.